© 2009 New Destiny Christian Center
                                PRAYER THAT PRODUCES RESULTS

James 5:16; I John 5:14:15

INTRODUCTION: You don’t have to be a spiritual giant for God to answer your prayers. However, God does expect us to enter His presence with a keen sense of our need for His involvement in our life.

James’ letter deals with everyday life: Things like our speech, business ventures, relationships between employer and employees, respect of persons, and disagreements between Christian brothers.

Prayer is not a set of magical words, nor is just saying the name of Jesus the key to getting results.

• Genuine prayer is simply talking to the Lord about different things.
• Getting results is part of having confidence in the relationship you have with God.
• In other words, the Bible is not a book of words that you can say and expect things     to happen if you’re not connected to the source.

      How can we pray in such a way that it will produce results?

                      Match the points below with the Scriptures and statements
​                                 at the bottom of the page that best reflect them.

1. Praying according to God’s will.
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​2. Praying with a clear conscience.

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3. Praying with the right motives.
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4. Praying while remaining in the word.
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5. Praying while trusting in God’s timing.
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CONCLUSION: Prayer is the foundation we build upon in our relationship with God. The more we pray, the closer we find ourselves and see ourselves walking in His will.​​​

a) Luke 18:9-14
b) 1 Timothy 1:19
c) Acts 24:16
d) John 15:7
e) Luke 22:42
f) Psalm 1:1-3
g) Matthew 5:23-24
h) Hebrews 10:2
i) James 4:3
j) Mark 11:25
k) John 6:40
l) Hebrews 4:16
m) Psalm 119:11
n) Isaiah 55:8
o) Matthew 11:25
p) Romans 12:1-2
q) Matthew 6:5

1) Selfish motives will not be blessed by God.
2) Transformed: an inward change
3) Our conscience serves as a judging tool.
4) Prayer is warfare because the devil doesn’t want you to have what you are asking.
5) Meditating on the Word of God embeds it deep into your heart.
6) This also means praying the word of God over your situation
7) A selfish prayer doesn't bring Glory to God.
8) The Word needs to be in your heart in order for you to pray it or remain in it.
9) Repetition is the key.
10) Nothing hinders your prayer faster than unforgiveness.
11) Conformed: an outward change
12) God knows better than we do.
13) Prayer that is prayed in line with God’s purpose, plan, and will cannot be denied.
14) The weapons of our warfare are not carnal.