© 2009 New Destiny Christian Center
                                              THE POWER AND IMPORTANCE OF PRAISE
                                                             By Dr. Crystal Hammond

The power and importance of praise is often misunderstood in Christianity. Those with a theological mindset demote its importance to an emotional display that has little relevance to the Word of God; while others elevate the emotion it invokes to a place above the Word. But in actuality, you can’t have one without the other.

The Word of God Is Alive and Life Giving
1) It’s Spirit and Life (John 6:63)
2) It’s living and active (Hebrews 4:12)
3) Jesus is the living Word of God.

The Word of God Is Full of Emotions, Creativity and Vibrancies
1) God displays the vast array of emotions from anger, jealousy and righteousness to love, compassion
     and joy (1 Kings 11:7-10; Psalms 149:4; Genesis 6; Exodus 34:6-7; 1 John 4:8; Ephesians 4:30;
     John 2:15; Luke 3:17, 4:28; Hebrew 10:29)
2) God created and breathed life into man (Genesis 1:27; 2:7)
3) God created the earth and everything thereof (Genesis 1)
4) God’s vibrancy is testified to in the vastness, colors and beauty of nature, as well as the intricacy of
     the ecological system (Psalm 8)

The Word of God Is To Guide Our Emotions and Decisions
1) Our emotions and decisions should line up with the fruit of God’s Spirit (Galatians 5:22)
2) Our demonstration of love should line up with the Biblical description of love (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
3) Our cheerful and joyfulness brings healing and strength (Proverbs 17:22; Nehemiah 8:10)
4) Our anger should not lead us to sin; it should not harbored (Ephesians 4:16)
5) Our emotions are an intricate part of praise and worship, as illustrated in the perpetual ordinances of
     the eight festivals (Exodus – Deuteronomy) and Psalms

The Word of God Commands Us to Praise Him
1) Praise the Lord for who He is
2) Praise the Lord for His Love, Grace, Endless Mercies, Mighty Works, etc. (Psalms 117:1-2;
     Psalm 150:2, 6; Isaiah 25:1; Jer. 20:13; Luke 18:43)

The Word of God Illustrates the Power of Prayer, Praise and the Word
1) The spiritual and physical deliverance and healing for us and others (Acts 6)
2) The removal of opposition/obstacles to God’s plans for His children (Joshua 6; 2nd Chronicles 20)
3) The manifested presence of the Lord (Psalm 22:3)

In conclusion, the Word of God is not stagnate, but is full of love, life and all the vast array of emotions that man feels. As a gift from God, He desires for us to have and display healthy emotions that are subjected to His Word. As we obey the over 250 commands to praise Him for who He is and His mighty works on our behalf, we should not be ashamed to display our emotions and bring forth all that He’s created us to be.